Staying PLASTIC VIMUKT might be an adjustment, but if you’re like most people, you’re probably happily making steps to make your lifestyle more sustainable where you can. However, there might be one small but significant part of your sustainability journey that you haven’t considered…your stationery.

It’s one thing to know that old, used-up pens are sitting around in your desk drawer or backpack. It’s quite another to consider the environmental effect of 100 billion plastic barrels piled up in rubbish dumps, or even cluttering up our waterways. If you’re concerned about the environmental impact of your lifestyle, it might be worth considering a better long-term option than buying another packet of pens.

This March, let’s challenge ourselves to go Plastic Vimukt, starting with our stationery collection. From saying no to plastic in the first place, to investing in longer-term refillable or replaceable tools, there are plenty of ways we can change our throwaway culture and make our stationery collection more environmentally friendly.

Order your pens custom designed with your photos/logos/function etc., making them a great return gift to attendees and a grateful thanks to our mother Earth.

Every pen contains a seed that becomes an oxygen cylinder for the future, so from every pen you can enjoy upto 2 kms writing and also 4 months of oxygen / year.